If you can ignore the demo in the background and all the junk on the porch you can see our little attempt at Christmas lights for our house this year! ( Hey, we tried!)

My paint job in the soon to be office. Just needs a chair rail, floor and crown moulding, and new window moulding! ( Oh yeah and to refinish the floors..... ahhh the list never ends!)

Nate's Jerri rigged plumbing job!

Getting the cement board down on the floor to be able to tile and the green board up on the walls in the bathroom.

What an improvement!

Nate and his great wall work!

We decided to take out the old small window because that is where the vanity is going to be against that wall. Our poor little toilet waiting to be put back against the other wall so we can actually go to the bathroom in our house!!!
Hi hons,
Well, if you had any mice they have packed their bags and moved to the neighbors! I can just feel the energy going on in your new house.
That clawfoottub will be great for soaking sore muscles.
Love, Mom M.
Ky & Nate! The bathroom and paint in the front room look great. See you guys soon. Have a great NewYear!
Love E & E
Looks like everything is coming along!!!! I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year.
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