Monday, June 30, 2008

Like I needed any more projects...

I forgot to take a before picture so I had to dig out this REALLY old one of the house simply for you to see the old walkway
We then somehow managed to break out the whole walkway that was about 5-6 inches thick and I dug it out wider
Molly getting dirty....of course the day after we give her a bath!
I started to lay flag stone but this is as far as I have gotten....also need to get a few more grasses to go along the side and then lay the mulch. I will post an after picture tomorrow when I get it done!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

kayaking the Willamette

We went kayaking around Ross Island in the Willamette river this morning. We were lucky we went early morning because it was almost a 100 degrees today and SOOOO hot even out on the river!! I think we are going to start looking to buy a couple of used kayaks :-)

Friday, June 27, 2008

1950's hip hop trailer

Nate and I were driving home one day and saw a guy selling his 1950's hip hop trailer so we bought it for my in-laws because my mother in law has always wanted one and this one is in pretty good shape. We are going to re-do it for them, luckily it has a fiberglass curved top so it survived structurally better than its aluminum top counterparts!
First step is a good power wash...

Monday, June 16, 2008


I cant believe it has been 2 years since we were married!
Time flies when you are having fun :-)

New screen door

The cats are enjoying our new screen door alot :-)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Camping weekend

We went camping this weekend at Cape lookout with Molly
She LOVES the ocean and getting all wet and salty

So how often does a car in the campground catch on fire and burn to the ground?? This was so weird. We left that morning to go Kayaking and came back a few hours later to see this as we drove through the campground!!