Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas Pictures

I was happy to have my family come down to spend a late christmas at our house this year. We had stockings and a huge turkey feast :-) We played "Blind Ignorance" where you have a card stuck to your forehead but you can only ask yes or no questions to figure out who it is....
Nanna and I bright and early Christmas morning....looking a little like I just rolled out of bed...oh wait, I had :-)

Mom, Bethany and Nanna opening stockings

John, nate and mom opening stockings

Nanna and her dog/most spoiled animal alive Bailey

Bethany fit IN the stocking!

Our tree and cards...I made that star out of a collapsible builders ruler and hung it in the window

I found Bailey a "Ho Ho Ho" shirt...we had to cut it a little to fit, and unfortunately his snuggie was too small as well :-(
I am pretty sure I am getting the death stare from him because he did NOT want to wear it! haha

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