A view of Wizard island in the middle of the crater

Some pretty wildflowers that were growing in the side of the volcano crater

This is the rock that we jumped off of into the crater lake. When I first jumped I was waiting for it to take my breath away from the cold but it actually was not too cold.

Nate and Pete swimming after their jump from the ledge

Pete on his way down. Nate went so fast that I didn't get a chance to get a picture.

The little island is called phantom ship

Wizard island

Some neat Rock striations (sp?) formed from the volcano and eruptions. This was during our hike back up to the rim after swimming. The sign said it was like hiking 75 stories of a building. We were sweating by the top, but the swim was really worth it!

Western Rim. The Crater was formed when mt Mazama erupted 7700 years ago. It is 6 miles in diameter and something like 30 miles in circumference. The rim we were driving/walking along was around 8000 feet up.

The water is this amazing blue clear color. The deepest spot is almost 2000ft deep but it feels like you can see down a long ways when you are swimming in it.

Down in the crater there is a special boat that takes you around. You aren't allowed to have your own boats or kayaks etc in the crater though. People were down here near the dock fishing and swimming.

On the hike back up...

You can see a little snow still on the edge of the lake. That is why I though it was going to be freezing when I jumped in but it really was not too bad!

Trying for a self portrait...nate squinting as usual :-)

Molly enjoying her back seat view. She was filthy from laying in the dust and dirt at the campsite.

Beware: She looks friendly but will growl your head off if you come too close :-)

Self portrait a little better with his glasses on
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