Sunday, May 27, 2007

Lesson #1532: How to tile crooked old floors!

Nate is still smiling here because this was only our first row of tiles......I should have taken a picture of us putting in the last few! Good thing the Tub will cover the far wall.......

Not too shabby..... It's hard to tile in a straight line when your whole house is built in crooked ones! Since the house is so old, I don't think there is a straight line to be found anywhere in it!
The tile is ceramic (way less hassle) but is a rough texture to resemble a natural stone tile.
I will take more pictures once it dries and we get it grouted....and yes, we currently are without a bathroom once again, thank god for our wonderful neighbours!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The house is looking amazing, guys! I can't wait to get back out there to see everything!